Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chick fil a: Oooh The Drama

I was going to stay out of this whole Chick fil a business, mostly because I couldn't find the right words to explain how I felt about it. But then I read this quote from Rick Warren:

"Our culture has accepted two huge lies: The first is that if you disagree with someone's lifestyle, you must fear them or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don't have to compromise convictions to be compassionate."

Now Rick Warren was not talking about the gay marriage issue when he said this, but I feel like it applies all across the board. Why does everything have to get so nasty....just because you don't believe what someone else believes. And people on both sides of the issue are guilty, I have seen and heard things from both sides that make me shake my head. As Christians I believe our number one priority to other human beings is to love them! Counting other people's sins does NOT make you a saint. Jesus didn't shun and judge a matter of fact he would be the first one to love the most unloveable.

I think Dan Cathy the CEO of Chick fil a had every right to say what he said, because that is the beauty of living in a free nation. I also have many Gay and Lesbian friends who I love dearly, and I never want to see them hurt by anyone or anything. BUT, what I find interesting is that Cathy also said "and we are married to our first wives" and supporting the "Traditional family", and NOBODY took that as a dig at divorce!? You want to know why? Because divorce is so culturally accepted now days, and so many Christians are divorced so nobody wants to make it an issue. Because if we are going to get all biblical let me tell you what almost ALL of us are living in sin...Not just gay people. If you are divorced and married Gods eyes you are committing adultery. If you are living with/having sex with your boyfriend or girlfriend before marriage you are living in sin...And the list goes on and on. Please understand that I am not judging...I'm just trying to put things in perspective. Because you know what at the end of my life the only person I'm going to have to answer to God about is myself.

Look I am by no means perfect and there are many many things I need to work on within myself, but I do know how to love people and how to agree to disagree. Trust me it's a lot easier to love people for who and what they are than to try to change them. So stop trying to rank sins and realize that we are all on the same level of sucking at being the people we need to be!